Jackie Reed - Power of Mentorship

November 13, 2021 00:33:43
Jackie Reed - Power of Mentorship
Conscious Curiosity
Jackie Reed - Power of Mentorship

Nov 13 2021 | 00:33:43


Show Notes

Jackie is the CEO of TS Restaurants in California and Hawaii with iconic local locations in San Diego, Dukes of La Jolla and Jakes in Del Mar.

Jackie is the model of the great American success story.  At just 18 and at a low point in her life, she just needed a job.  She took a position as a hostess in the company of which she is now the CEO.   

She contributes her success and the foundation to how she leads today, to the amazing mentorship she received from the owners.  The mentorship as she says, “went beyond the normal teaching model, to where my mentors truly listened and encouraged this highly curious individual to be everything I could be.” 

This mentoring model, she now embraces, should not come as a surprise. The founders of TS Restaurants always had a higher purpose beyond food service.  They desired to have a company where a collection of friends and family could come and be supported and Jackie is just one example of how that purpose came to fruition.  

Jackie shares her journey along with great leadership insights that she has learned during times of challenge and transition.  Along with its continued growth, TS Restaurants has been able to successfully navigate the transition to the second generation of ownership which statistically, is very risky time for any business.  She demonstrates how the higher purpose and values that were embedded into the core of the business are key in carrying the legacy forward while allowing for changes to make it even more relevant in today’s market.  More recently, the challenges of leading and navigating through Covid have truly tested this next generation of leadership.  Holding true to their purpose, they have come out the other side more agile, flexible and innovative with the ability to move fast. 

Come and be inspired by great lessons in leadership, the value of having a higher purpose and living up to your core values honoring the hopes and dreams of all the stakeholders in the business.  This is the hallmark of TS Restaurants and their leader, Jackie Reed!

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